Welcome to Imeri Payments!

With a background spanning over 20 years in the merchant services and payment processing industry, we take pride in our ability to deliver results. This has enabled us to progress and contribute to the growth of both startup companies and large corporations across multiple verticals. We understand that every business, regardless of its size, faces unique challenges and requirements. Therefore, we adopt a collaborative approach that involves working closely with our clients to gain a full understanding of their specific needs and goals.

We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you and look forward to working together to contribute to your continued success.

Bruno Marques


The name Imeri was inspired by the Serra do Imeri mountain range in Brazil, which is home to the country's tallest mountain, Pico da Neblina. This mountain range is situated in the Amazonas state, near the border with Venezuela.

In 2022, scientists from the University of Sao Paulo traveled to this remote area of the Brazilian territory. The team not only captured breathtaking photos but also discovered a remarkable array of biodiversity, cataloguing new species of animals and plants. This expedition has shed light on the vast ecological riches that exist in the region.